Compliance in Brazil: Internal Investigations and Disciplinary Measures
Once the complaints have been received through the appropriate channel or even once the company becomes aware of potential violations by other means, it is time to conduct internal investigations to ascertain whether there are grounds for such complaints. If so, the organization has to take action according to the legislation and its internal rules.
Compliance in Brazil: Reporting Channels
Compliance activities are not limited to preventive measures. Responsive and investigative efforts are also part of the compliance framework. These activities aim to identify violations of the Law, internal rules, and ethical principles. After all, despite all the guidance and standardization of a compliance program, there are always those who insist on incurring violations. An organization must investigate these violations and apply disciplinary measures, as appropriate.
Compliance in Brazil: The Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is essential to any company’s Compliance and Integrity Program. After creating a “tone at the top” atmosphere – which requires full leadership commitment – and conducting all necessary risk assessments, it’s time to draft the Code of Conduct, considering the probability of the risks and their potential impact on the company.